Addictive behaviours and dependencies: a look at the 'wait' time of institutional responses


Social, cognitive, emotional and spiritual skills, seem to structure each individual’s profile “BEING a PERSON". They anchor and reflect the leverage that each one has to render his/her daily life sustainable. When there arise contingencies that constrain the healthy development of this route, as in the case of “people unveiling addictive dependencies and behaviors”, it is important to observe and analyse them. To observe and to analyze both the constraints and the road built from the time when the individual requests support to overcome contingencies and conflicts, on the path of a healthy life. The feeling of those who follow and live these processes is that there is some slowness and fragility in the accompaniment given to individuals and families, leading to a most painful "wait". It is based on these concerns that resorting to a specific group - "Individuals seeking support on the Integrated Response Center Team of Viana do Castelo in 2018" - we propose to develop an "equation" to identify the institutional responses, taking into account the needs as expressed by individuals. In this light, we aim to highlight the obstacles and difficulties that clash with a more humane and effective reintegration/rehabilitation process.


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