Predictive analysis of alcohol consumption and stress through the psychosocial variables of emotional intelligence and resilience

Thursday, 24 October, 2019 - 15:10 to 15:25
Central square 3 (C3)


Background and aims:This study aims to understand the role of emotional intelligence and resilience on alcohol consumption and stress. Literature suggests that this relation is a key factor in order to assess individual needs in preventive or on-going interventions, which highlights the need of negative emotional states analysis and understanding.

Methods: The predictive analysis of alcohol consumption (AUDIT) and stress (23 QVS) through the variables of emotional intelligence (TEIQue-SF) and resilience (Young) was carried out from a sample of 313 adults: 195 women (116 <30 years and 79 = 30 years) and 118 men (86 <30 years and 32 = 30 years). Linear and multiple regression models were developed with SPSS V. 22.

Results: Alcohol consumption is influenced by Emotional intelligence for men (<30 years -.320 TeIQue Emotionality; -.312 TEIQue Self-control; =30 years -.579 TEIQue Well-Being) and for women by Resilience (<30 years -.249 Young Planning-Discipline; =30 years -.314 Young Independence). Stress is influenced by Emotional Intelligence for men (<30 years -.369 TEIQue Sociability; -.321 TEIQue Well-Being -.361 TEIQue Self-control; =30 years -.579 TEIQue Well-Being; =30 years -.466 TEIQue Self-control) and for women by emotional intelligence and resilience (<30 years -.291 TEIQue Sociability, -.319 TEI Self-control and -.289 Young Satisfaction with Life; = 30 years -.271 TEIQue Sociability and -.351 TEIQue Well-Being).

Conclusions:Study main conclusions show that high Resilience and Emotional Intelligence scores acted as a buffer for alcohol consumption in all sub-samples. Additionally, gender and age have different and complex interactions regarding alcohol consumption, degree of emotional intelligence, stress and resilience. Study main results suggests that interventions aiming to address alcohol consumption should consider the assessment of these psychosocial variables. It is emphasized that Emotional Intelligence and Resilience act as protection factors for Alcohol Consumption and, therefore, should be strengthened early by preventive educational actions.


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