Previous sessionNext session Reducing drug-related deaths Central square 2 (C2) In programme Thursday, 24 October, 2019 - 13:20 to 14:50 View presentations Chair ComiskeyCatherine Trinity College, Dublin UniversityDublinIreland Keywords Harm reductionOverdoseHealth consequencesMonitoringNew trends Presentations Plenary session Poster session Big debate Structured session Workshop Oral presentation session Short communication session Poster guided tour Thursday, 24 October 13:30 Oral presentation Does exposure to opioid substitution treatment in prison reduce the risk of death after release? A national prospective observational study in England 13:30 to 13:45 Central square 2 (C2) John Marsden 13:45 Oral presentation Results of mortality cohort study of problem drug users in Poland. 13:45 to 14:00 Central square 2 (C2) Janusz Sieroslawski 14:00 Oral presentation Nasal naloxone for overdose prevention in Norway: results from the first four years 14:00 to 14:15 Central square 2 (C2) Desiree Eide 14:15 Oral presentation Incidence and predictors of drug overdoses among a cohort of patients treated for substance use disorder 14:15 to 14:30 Central square 2 (C2) Birgitte Thylstrup 14:30 Oral presentation MDMA-related deaths in Australia 14:30 to 14:45 Central square 2 (C2) Amanda Roxburgh