AmyO’Donnell Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University Newcastle upon Tyne United Kingdom In programme October 24 10:50 to 12:20 October 25 11:40 to 11:55 View hours & dates About Hours & Dates Plenary session Poster session Big debate Structured session Workshop Oral presentation session Short communication session Poster guided tour Thursday, 24 October 10:50 Oral presentation Understanding different pathways of ATS use over time: results and conclusions from in-depth qualitative interviews in five European countries 10:50 to 12:20 Central square 2 (C2) Amy O’Donnell Friday, 25 October 11:40 Impact of the introduction and withdrawal of financial incentives on the delivery of alcohol screening and brief advice in English primary health care: an interrupted time series analysis 11:40 to 11:55 Insights zone 1 (I1) Amy O’Donnell