
  • University of Amsterdam
  • Netherlands
In programme
  • October 23 11:00 to 11:15
  • October 23 13:20 to 14:50
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Dr. Heleen Riper is Professor of eMental-Health at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Department Clinical, Developmental and Neuro Psychology, section Clinical Psychology, The Netherlands) and works as well at GGZ inGeest a large mental health service organisation in the Amsterdam region (Research Department), Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She is honorary professor Telepsychiatry at the University of Southern Denmark (Faculty of Health Sciences, Odense). For a comprehensive overview see www.heleenriper.nl

Over the past 20 years her research focus has been on the development, evaluation and implementation of innovative eMental-Health interventions for common mental disorders from prevention to treatment. The scope of her current research activities includes the use of mobile health, and combined online and face to face (‘blended’) treatments for depression, anxiety and substance use related disorders. New methodological challenges include the development and evaluation of mobile ecological momentary assessments and interventions (EMA/EMI), patient-centered design and digital phenotyping. She has opted for an international perspective and collaboration throughout her academic career and acted as Principal Investigator of over 15 large scale European Union projects and reviewer for Research Funding Organizations globally. She was Principal Investigator/coordinator of the European Comparative Effectiveness study on Internet Interventions for Depression (E-COMPARED, www.e-compared.eu). She has published over 200 (international) peer reviewed papers and book chapters within the eMental-health domain. In 2013 Heleen Riper (co) founded the Journal of Internet Interventions of which she is associated editor (published by Elsevier) and in 2014 she became President of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII) for which she acts now as Past-President. She is chair of the DIFFER EU-Consortium (Digitial Framework For E-health Research) which develops, evaluate and implement the digital MoodBuster 2.0 platform for mental disorders.