Sheila AntonagiEngi
- Brazil
In programme
Degree in Biological Sciences in 'Júlio de Mesquita Filho' Paulista State University - Campus Bauru (2009). Master and PhD by the Interinstitutional Program in Physiological Sciences (PIPGCF) - Association of UFSCAR / UNESP Araraquara, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Cleopatra da Silva Planeta, working in Neuropsychopharmacology. Developed part of her PhD at the University of California - San Francisco (UCSF). Currently is post-doc at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) in the Pharmacology Department and aims to investigate the effectiveness of cannabidiol upon ethanol disorders. In 2018 was selected as Best Young Investigator by the 'International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism' (ISBRA - December 2018).