
  • Claremont Graduate University
  • United States
In programme
  • October 23 15:25 to 15:40
View hours & dates


William Crano is the Oskamp Professor of Social Psychology at Claremont Graduate University in California. His applied research is designed to motivate youth (and adults) to abstain from illicit drug use, using media-based messages to instruct, motivate, and reinforce youth to in resisting the lure of illicit drugs. Fundamental principles of persuasion have proved successful in our substance prevention efforts in helping adolescents avoid an avoidable and dangerous behavior. The research is designed to provide information and reinforcement for healthy behavior. It often makes use of tailored media (i.e., delivering persuasive messages targeted to the specific needs and susceptibilities of the receiver), because precisely focused messages are more likely to be attended to, and more likely to succeed. His research today shows how tailored communications may lessen ambivalence in highly at-risk adolescents and encourage avoidance of psychotropic substance use.

Hours & Dates

  • Plenary session
  • Poster session
  • Big debate
  • Structured session
  • Workshop
  • Oral presentation session
  • Short communication session
  • Poster guided tour