1. Implementing patient-reported experiences (PROMs and PREMs) to improve the engagement of patients in treatment services

Thursday, 24 November, 2022 - 09:00 to 10:30


Results are the effects of treatment that matter most to patients. Outcomes are not 'products'; they are not lab tests; they are not technical details. They are real-world outcomes, such as physical functioning or pain level. Today, in healthcare systems worldwide, evaluation efforts consider various clinical indicators, structural and even reputational metrics. Still, they tend to ignore the end effects of treatment and patients' experiences and feelings. (ICHOM website). There has been a growing interest in using these outcomes and patient-reported experiences (PROMs and PREMs) in clinical practice for some years now. In addiction treatment, however, there have been no empirical studies evaluating the usefulness of such implementation.

RIAPAd started in January 2022. The presentation will describe the methodology used to a) implement the PROMs from ICHOM standard set (Addiction standard set) in clinical routine and b) implement a PREM through smartphone devices following the recommended for the Patientreported Indicator Surveys (PaRIS) initiative of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The presentation is aimed to describe the methodologies selected for implementing PREMS and PROMS in primary outpatient settings in Addiction in Spain. It will show the current state of the art and the initial results.

Evaluation and monitoring the outcomes of clinical interventions in Addiction by direct engagement of patients is a much needed challenge that will bring along a real improving in perceived health of addicts, and ultimately will help to erase the social stigma associated to drug dependence and behavioural addictions.


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