4. Between us

Thursday, 24 November, 2022 - 16:50 to 18:20


The video illustrates the many preconceptions and prejudices society has with regards to 'an addiction'. The topic of a gambling disorder highlights that this is not only a matter of substance use disorders (alcohol, illegal drugs, etc.) but also involves behavioural addictions such as gambling disorders. The video that portrays a mother and her son, as they share the story of this sons gambling addiction from their own perspective. The portrait shows that addiction is not simply a matter of physical or psychological harm but also has huge impact and potential harm on a relational level; often referred to as ‘hidden harm’. Due to stigma (by association) and prejudice, the burden and impact often remains confined within the family. This video aims to highlight to the strength of the bond between a parent and child and how this social capital can help in recovery.       


  • Sofie Despeer – Producer, De Chinezen, NL
  • Tom Evenepoel – VAD - De Druglijn, NL
  • Lander Haverhals – Head Director De Chinezen, NL
  • Sam Geyskens – Director, De Chinezen, NL
  • Vincent Everaerts – Director, De Chinezen, NL



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