4. Pros and Cons of Group Therapy for Cannabis Use Disorders: Is it an opportunity for cultural adaptation?
Group therapy (GT) for substance use disorder has a long history and currently is an evidencebased treatment. GT for CUD has few studies compared with other SUD (e.g., AUD), in which evidence is enormous, and mainly focused on Mutual Aid Groups. In this session, we review evidence of GT for CUD and, challenge and advantages to adapt structured programs as CANDIS to GT format.
Method: Non-systematic review of therapy group in CUD.
Adapting CANDIS to GT format may be cost-effectiveness. GT has intrinsic therapeutic value itself.
- Numerous studies shows evidence that GT has 'active ingredients' that means an extra value compared with individual treatments.
- GT allows reducing costs of interventions.
- GT is a perfect environment for including cultural aspects of cannabis use, CUD, relapse prevention, coping strategies, among others.
- Ethics in GT is especially relevant: privacy, confidentiality, safety, and partnership are among the most relevant aspects to face.