4. REITOX: a model European network bridging science, policy and practice

Thursday, 24 November, 2022 - 15:00 to 16:30


To integrate monitoring and research findings into the decision-making process and to communicate to policy makers and practitioners is a key challenge to implement evidence-based responses. The rapid increase of digitalization in our lives has also led to a change in the needs of these stakeholders. Managing and investing in knowledge translation is hence crucial. Raising awareness of the central role that REITOX NFPs provide in this process will help participants of the conference in better understanding the required contributions for supporting strategic decision in the drug policy domain. The video highlights how the Reitox network and its national focal points (NFPs) are the key players of evidence-based information exchange in Europe; focusing on their role in identifying new drug-related threats and adapting to the constantly changing drug situation through new, more rapid assessment of the drug phenomenon.

By: Anne de l'Eprevier, Ioanna Yiasemi, Lies Gremeaux, Sandrine Sleiman (REITOX Network)




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