How are profiles of substance use linked to social function in the following seven years?
Background: The link between problematic substance use and negative social pathways has been established in a range of longitudinal research studies. However, to develop targeted interventions and improve social outcomes in substance-using populations, more research is needed on the relationship between substance use patterns and negative social pathways. The aim of this study is to categorize Danish adolescents based on their intake patterns in 2011 and to link substance use categories to social function factors in the following seven years.
Methods: A large sample from four Danish municipalities aged 15 to 65 years (n=13.157) were invited via e-mail to participate in a questionnaire survey. Of these, 67.1% (n=8831) participation and filled out the questionnaires including questions on the type and frequency of substance use. We will combine substance use data from 2011 with Danish national registry data from 2011 to 2018. We will use latent class analysis to examine distinct profiles of substance use and to compare these profiles on potential risk for three social function outcomes: 1) criminality, 2) educational/work attainment, and 3) substance treatment enrolment. Separate analyses for the age groups 15 to 18 years (n=2950), 19 to 30 years (n=1754), and 31 to 65 years (n=4133) will be conducted. In addition, we will control for the effect of further relevant factors such as gender, municipality, and ethnicity.
Results: The analyses will be conducted in march 2022. The results of the study will be presented at Lisbon addictions 2022