Program 'Eu e os Outros': Adaptation to the university context

Thursday, 24 November, 2022 - 15:00 to 16:30


Transition to higher education entails changes in the lives of young people, requiring the application of coping strategies to deal with the demands of the university context. Knowing that this is a phase of greater autonomy and independence, it constitutes a period of greater vulnerability in which students are more susceptible to substance consumption and its consequences. Substance use may arise due to the inability of students to deal with the difficulties of this transition. Substance use includes the excessive consumption of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, non-medical use of prescription drugs, and other drugs, which are associated with problems and difficulties at a personal, social, academic, and professional level.

The study aims to adapt the program 'Eu e os outros' to the university context. This universal prevention program has the objective of promoting the reduction of problems related to addictive behaviors and dependencies, better knowledge and use of resources, and the development of healthy lifestyles.

To design an effective intervention, the program is going to be based on the methodological framework of Intervention Mapping (IM). IM is a planning framework that provides an elaborate protocol for effective interventions. IM incorporates six steps: needs assessment and analysis of the problem, the outline of program objectives, the establishment of the theory-based methods and strategies to use, planning of program sessions and conditions for implementing, and planning the evaluation. Through the integration of needs assessment (e.g., key informant interviews) and literature review, it is intended to develop a theoretical model that will be the basis for the intervention program. Given the high levels of students who consume psychoactive substances, the existence of effective prevention and intervention programs is essential. The adaptation of this program based on IM will allow the design of an effective evidence-based program.




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