From promising results to evidence-based programme: Lessons from the evaluation of 'A Family Affair'.

Thursday, 24 November, 2022 - 09:00 to 19:30


Although countless actions are carried out every day to prevent addictive behaviours, very few stand as evidence-based. Using the case of the French programme 'A family affair', we illustrate how theory-based evaluations of existing and promising programmes can contribute to filling up the gap.

Our study (PATTERN project) dataset included programme’s background documents and 28 semi-structured interviews. An initial logic model template guided data collection and analyses. Results were validated through 4 focus groups. Grounded in a systemic and intergenerational perspective, 'A Family Affair' features 3 domains of behavioural changes encompassing 10 locus of change. Investigation of its activities and associated resources highlighted the multiple adaptations it went through to secure its outcomes and to reach out to those most in need.

Investigating programmes’ theories of change and causal pathways allows for the scaling up of practice-based innovation. This facilitates and informs necessary adaptations to other contexts to improve programmes’ efficiency without jeopardizing outcomes.



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