What is environmental prevention and its state of development

Thursday, 24 November, 2022 - 13:20 to 14:50


Already established characteristics of environmental prevention are that it a) changes the context (physical, economic, social, regulatory etc.) of human behaviour instead of primarily targeting behavioural control; b) makes healthy behaviours easier or more attractive than harmful behaviour; b) often induces a change of social norms, values and attitudes as secondary impact; c) is particularly relevant in environments that contain many potential triggers for harmful behaviour, in the substance use field also known as ‘intoxigenic environments’; and d) can be applied across numerous behaviour domains such as obesity, sedentarism, crime, violence, alcohol and other substance use, sexual and social media behaviour.

Review of reports from EU member states and the state of intervention literature.

Despite good empirical support environmental prevention strategies are being objected by policy makers, civil society stakeholders and by prevention professionals themselves.

To overcome this, a better theoretical underpinning is needed as well as a straightforward narrative about its importance in times of debate about cannabis legalisation; as well as about the ethical implications.




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