Substance-induced psychosis: register-linkage research in Nordic countries
Substance-induced psychosis (SIP) can be defined as an acute psychiatric condition, in which the use of a substance is contributing directly to the psychotic episode. According to the ICD-10 diagnostic criteria, SIPs are considered to be short-lived and to resolve within one to six months with sustained abstinence. However, our knowledge concerning risk factors, treatment and prognosis of substance-induced psychosis is still very scarce. Register-linkage studies enable us to study the epidemiology of SIPs with minimal attrition, in this otherwise difficult-to-reach population.
In this structured session, utilizing datasets from national comprehensive registries in Nordic countries, present findings on incidence of SIPs, psychiatric comorbidity and work-related factors, prognosis of SIPs in terms of SIP-relapse and conversion to schizophrenia as well as antipsychotic medication use among persons with substance-induced psychosis.