
  • Principal Scientist,
  • Lisbon,
  • Portugal
In programme
  • November 23 15:00 to 16:30
  • November 24 16:50 to 18:20
  • November 25 13:20 to 14:50
  • November 25 13:20 to 14:50
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Linda Montanari is a health sociologist working at the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) since 2000. In the capacity of ‘Principal scientist for health and social responses’, she coordinates the area of monitoring prisons and drugs, developing the implementation of drug monitoring in European prisons. She was responsible for the 2021 EMCDDA publication: Prison and drugs in Europe, Current and future challenges and has contributed to a variety of scientific publications in this field. Over the years, Linda has also worked in the areas of drugs and gender and drugs and mental health, promoting the conceptualisation and inclusion of these perspectives in drug monitoring.