
  • Researcher,
  • Ivo Research Institute & Tilburg University
  • Netherlands
In programme
  • November 24 13:20 to 14:50
  • November 25 10:50 to 12:20
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Thomas Martinelli, MA is an anthropologist and criminologist, whose research centers around people who are stigmatized because of their drug use, addiction or vulnerable situation. He currently works as a researcher and PhD candidate at IVO Research Institute (Netherlands) and Tilburg University (Netherlands). In recent years he studied the European drug strategy and the Dutch drug policies. For his PhD, he followed about 360 people in recovery from a drug addiction with an international research team (REC-PATH). He published 12 international peer-reviewed research papers around drug addiction recovery and various Dutch research-reports. In addition, he regularly writes about drug policy, addiction, sex work, (forensic) care, e-cigarettes and crime.