Call for abstracts

Lisbon Addictions 2024 is a multidisciplinary conference that provides both a forum for networking and an opportunity to showcase cutting-edge research. T

The conference took place in Lisbon from 23–25 October 2024 under the overarching theme ‘Empowering the workforce of the future’.

Key dates

  • Launch of call for abstracts: 23 October 2023
  • Deadline for submission: 31 January 2024
  • Notification of acceptance: 5 June 2024
  • Late-breaking abstracts: 1-7 July 2024

Key documents

Submission of abstracts

Potential contributors were invited to submit abstracts in the following main thematic tracks:

  1. Empowering the workforce
  2. Prevention of risky and harmful behaviours
  3. Alcohol: risks, clinical considerations, treatments, and outcomes
  4. Addiction and mental health
  5. Hepatitis C, other infectious diseases, and drug-related harms
  6. Behavioural addictions
  7. Drug policy: latest developments and new challenges
  8. Open track

Applicants were informed by e-mail if their proposal has been accepted for inclusion in the conference programme on 5 June 2024. After this date, applicants have two weeks to register for the conference with the early-bird fee (EUR 470). Abstracts will only be included in the conference programme after the registration process is complete.

Submissions that explore intersections between addiction and factors, such as gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, and mental health are encouraged, as are those that examine the impact of addiction on under-served and under-represented populations and propose strategies to address health disparities. We particularly welcome submissions on these topics and from studies where impacted communities and people with lived experience have been active co-producers in the research process.

Scientific Secretariat — submission queries:

Types of abstract submission

Notifications to accepted abstracts have been sent on 5 June 2024 – please check below the types of presentation available at this year's conference.

Type Format Time allocation Explanation

Oral presentations


15-minute presentation

5-minute Q&A

Intended for: Original research findings, experimental and observational studies, completed research projects, theoretical analyses, and review papers. Presentations should be well structured and rigorous and demonstrate a novel contribution to knowledge.




8-minute presentation

2-minute Q&A

Intended for: Early-stage studies, preliminary research findings, formative work, rapid communications, small-scale studies, or minor updates from established areas of work.



90-minute session

Intended for: Interactive, participatory, and practice-oriented sessions, focusing on capacity-building on a specific topic, offering hands-on experiences and practical skill acquisition.

E-short communication


8-minute presentation

Intended for: Same as short communication (see above).

E-short communications are pre-recorded presentations uploaded in a video format to an e-platform* and available for participants to view on multi-touch high-resolution monitors displayed through the conference.

E-poster presentation


Intended for: Visual digital displays summarising recent research or research in progress (e.g. case studies, clinical experience or best practice).

E-posters are uploaded as a picture format to an e-platform and available for participants to view on multi-touch high-resolution monitors displayed through the conference.

* To have a better idea of how the e-presentation will be displayed, please find the link to an online platform created for a previous edition of Lisbon Addictions 2022.

In order to best manage the time slots available for our scientific programme, the Programme Committee has decided not to include the structured thematic session option in the open submissions call for Lisbon Addictions 2024.

A limited programme of structured thematic sessions will be offered at the event. This programme will be designed following invitations from the Programme Committee.

Please consult the abstract submission guidelines for detailed information.

Video contest

WAVE (Workforce in Addictions · Valorisation in Europe) is an EU-funded project and a co-producer of Lisbon Addictions 2024. It organises a video contest for audio-visual pieces relating to any of the main areas/thematic tracks of the conference. A selection of videos competing for the prizes will be shown at the conference in the WAVE Cinema. 

Find out more


WAVE offered 120 bursaries to support professionals who would otherwise not be able to attend Lisbon Addictions 2024. The application period was open from 23 October 2023 to 31 January 2024.

Find out more

LxA24_CallForAbstracts.pdf1.24 MBDownload
LxA24_late breaking_guidelines.pdf3.18 MBDownload
LxA24_Abstract_guidelines.pdf711.23 KBDownload