Side events

Lisbon Addictions 2024 provides a unique networking opportunity for researchers, practitioners and policy experts across countries and disciplines. In the margins of the conference, various side events took place.

Testing the Waters 7 conference

Date: 21 October, afternoon and 22 October 2024
Location: LxAddictions conference site

Deadline: extended to 10 October 2024
The event has no registration fee

The conference aims to convene experts to explore wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) as a crucial monitoring tool in the ever-changing landscape of substance use. The conference will cover several key themes, including the monitoring of illicit drugs, including new psychoactive substances, and alcohol use. Topics will encompass assessing long-term trends and spatial variations in substance use, as well as presenting new analytical methods and enhancements to WBE approaches. Additionally, discussions will address the future perspectives of WBE, including its potential impact on regulations and policy evaluation.

Register here registration form. Abstract submission is open and information on the preparation (abstract template) and submission can be found on the Testing the Water website.

Growing SMART Together

Date: 22 October 2024
Location: LxAddictions conference site

SMART Recovery is the leading, evidence informed approach to overcoming addictive and negative behaviours to live a balanced life. SMART’s fresh approach to addiction recovery is transformative, secular, stigma-free and emphasizes self-empowerment.

For the first time in SMART Recovery’s 30 year history, the SMART global community will come together from around the world for a one-day event, centred on the theme of growing SMART together.

  • Connect with people from the SMART global community
  • Learn about SMART’s origins, growth and plans for the future
  • Discover how and where SMART is growing its footprint
  • Celebrate those who have made significant contributions to our community

We will launch the new SMART Recovery International strategic plan, feature engaging sessions with experts from around the world, and culminate in a dinner where we will recognise individuals who have made significant contributions to SMART Recovery over the years.

For more information please contact

Symposium on Gender and Drugs

Date: 22 October 2024
Location: LxAddictions conference site

Deadline extended: 10 October 2024
The event has no registration fee

The European Group on Gender and Drugs (EDG), coordinated by the EUDA and the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe, together with UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute), EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality) and several drug experts from different countries, is organising the second symposium on gender and drugs on 22 October 2024 in the Lisbon Congress Centre.

The 2022 symposium set up the scene and critically examined key concepts and issues on gender and drugs and this year we would like to make a step forward. The second event aims to move towards the practice, discussing evidence-based practices for gender responsive interventions in the drug field and identifying key recommendations. Topics discussed this year will be: minimum quality standards; gender-related stigma; data collection and monitoring; trauma informed interventions; masculinities; Intersectionalities and gender diversities, parenthood and drugs. Examples of good practices and trauma informed interventions using yoga as well as a social event organised with a users’ association will be important part of the event. A call for good practices and the registration form will be available in the next weeks.

The event is open and has no fee for registration.

In the next weeks a call for examples of good practices in the field of gender and drugs will also be launched.

For more information please contact:

Furthermore, the European Group on Gender and Drugs (EDG) jointly with the Health Without Barriers Federation (HWB) organise an event in the afternoon on the 21/10 (from 14.30 to 17.30) on “Women, drugs, prison: a global perspective”. The event will take place at LxAddictions conference site. More details will be provided soon.

Workshop on prevention and control of drug-related infectious diseases among people who inject drugs

Date: 22 October 2024, morning
Location: LxAddictions conference site

In 2023 the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA) published an update of the 2011 Public health guidance on prevention and control of infectious diseases among people who inject drugs. The guidance aims to support policy-makers and public health programme managers and planners by making available the evidence base for developing national strategies, policies, and programmes for a population of people who inject drugs that is particularly vulnerable to drug-related infectious diseases such as HIV and viral hepatitis.

Do you work on drug-related infectious diseases control and are interested in attending the workshop? There are still spaces available to join the workshop (first come first served basis).

Please fill in the registration form

See here the agenda

HCV Intervention Implementation Workshop

Date: 22 October 2024, afternoon
Location: LxAddictions conference site

The half-day Intervention Workshop will focus on the practical implementation of evidence-based HCV interventions such as point-of-care testing, dried blood spot testing, peer support, patient navigation and case finding.

The workshop is intended for anyone interested in implementing or scaling up HCV interventions in their service setting, including healthcare providers, community members and policymakers from a variety of settings, e.g. primary care, drug and alcohol services, corrections, outreach, homelessness, mental health, needle and syringe services & health departments.

The event will showcase good practice interventions and models of care, highlighting key research, challenges and learnings in a collaborative coaching environment, with the aim of supporting participants to develop or enhance their own HCV models of care. In addition the Increase access to hepatitis C (HCV) testing and care in drug services toolkit will be presented.

After attending this event, you will be able to:

  • Identify areas for enhancing or scaling up your HCV service delivery
  • Understand how a variety of interventions work
  • Identify suitable interventions for your service
  • Describe how the intervention could be implemented in your service setting
  • Analyse possible barriers to implementing interventions and how to overcome them

The workshop is delivered by the International Network on Health and Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU) in collaboration with the EUDA.

Register here Registration form

For more information contact Emma Day.

The OPTIMUS opioid use disorder treatment outcomes consensus

Date: 22 October 2024, 13.00 - 18.00 (Lisbon time)
Location: LxAddictions conference site,  room: Terrace, and live online

The OPTIMUS group is developing international consensus guidance for monitoring opioid disorder treatment outcomes (see guidance, questionnaire). In this side event of the Lisbon Addictions Conference we will take stock of progress so far, e.g. results of the Delphi study, and discuss next steps. The OPTIMUS meeting is a hybrid event. It is open to conference delegates and others interested in the topic, either in person at the venue or live online.

See meeting agenda here.

To register for the OPTIMUS meeting:

  • In-person meeting at the venue: please register here. Note that room capacity is limited.
  • Live online meeting: click here to register. There is no limit to the number of live online participants.

Civil Society Consultation Meeting

Date: 22 October 2024
Location: LxAddictions conference site

This consultation meeting aims to promote a deeper understanding and cooperation between the EU Drugs Agency and civil society stakeholders. The event will bring together EU institutions, academia, policymakers and civil society representatives to share ideas, views and to explore best practices, mechanisms, and measures to enhance collaboration and engagement in addressing the drugs phenomenon.

The meeting will be upon invitation only.

Drug early warning systems: Resilience for the future

Date: 22 October 2024
Location: LxAddictions conference site

The new psychoactive substances (NPS) market is characterised by complexity and increased integration with the market for established controlled drugs. The market continues to grow, is globalised, resilient, highly dynamic, and rapidly adapts to attempts to disrupt it. Because of this, NPS continue to pose a major threat to public health.

Early warning systems are essential to exchange information, as well as detect, assess, alert, and respond to emerging threats in a timely and effective way in order to prevent or reduce the public health and social harms caused by NPS. There is a need to build, maintain, and strengthen drug early warning systems that support preparedness and responses to NPS and provide resilience for the future.

 The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and reflect on:

  • The current situation and recent changes in the NPS market,
  • the challenges faced, and what the future may look like,
  • the accomplishments, experiences gained, and lessons learnt,
  • how drug early warning systems can be better prepared to ensure effective responses to these threats,

Participation by invitation only.

Xchange Review Board annual meeting

Date: 22 October 2024, afternoon
Location: LxAddictions conference site

Launched in 2017, Xchange is an online registry of evidence-based prevention programmes showcasing interventions that European evaluation studies demonstrate to have promising outcomes relating to substance use. The Xchange Review Board meets once a year to update the evidence rating scores of existing, or new, Xchange entries. This year’s meeting will be held during Lisbon Addictions 2024. The Board is composed of the two members of the EUDA Scientific Committee, two board members of the European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR), an early career researcher of the EUSPR and two EUDA scientific staff members.

The Nordmann Award meeting 2024

Date: 22 October 2024
Location: LxAddictions conference site

Organized by ESBRA, will take place this year on October 22, 2024, preceding the LISBON ADDICTIONS 2024 conference in Lisbon. It will be held for a full day featuring symposia and free oral communications. This year's overarching theme focuses on new therapies for alcohol addiction and its psychiatric and somatic comorbidities. The initial symposia topics include psychedelics, comorbidities, and social/familial dysfunction, neuro-inflammation, comorbidity of alcohol use disorder and alcohol-related liver disease. There are still opportunities for symposia and free communications. This meeting is open to all, but attendance is limited to 100 participants. Please register and submit your communication proposals using the form available on the ESBRA website (

Registration is free, so take advantage of it!

Register directly through the online form (mandatory registration): registration form

Health without Barriers

Date: 21- 22 October 2024
Location: LxAddictions conference site

Health without Barriers, in collaboration with Lisbon Addictions 2024, is proud to announce the Fourth European Conference on Healthcare in Prison. Taking place in Lisbon, this conference will provide a platform for in-depth discussions and knowledge exchange among healthcare professionals operating within prison settings across Europe and beyond.

Our program will feature a diverse range of topics, including but not limited to human rights, health determinants, drug addiction, harm reduction strategies, collaboration with external services, peer involvement, mental health, safety management, migrants' health, women's health, and innovative approaches to prison healthcare.

Participants will represent various sectors, including prison medical services (doctors, psychologists, and nursing staff), prison employees, external service providers (such as NGOs), administrators, policymakers, legal professionals, and individuals with personal prison experience.

Furthermore, the Health Without Barriers Federation (HWB) and the European Group on Gender and Drugs (EDG) jointly with organise an event in the afternoon on the 21/10 (from 14.30 to 17.30) on “Women and prison: addressing the invisible needs of women in prison”. The event will take place at LxAddictions conference site. More details will be provided soon.

Join us for two days of insightful sessions, engaging discussions, and networking opportunities, all aimed at advancing health equity and resilience within carceral settings.

Stay tuned for further updates and registration details on the Lisbon Addictions 2024 website. We look forward to welcoming you to Lisbon for this impactful and transformative event.

Scientific networks, national strategic agendas and scientific advisory Committees in Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Date: 21 October 2024 in the morning
Location: EUDA

This half-day closed event, organized under the COPOLAD III project, aims at increasing the visibility of the experiences of LAC in the articulation between the scientific production of knowledge and the management of drug policies, and the need to establish an urgent and effective dialogue

Technical expert meeting: strengthening networks and sharing innovation in practices on research and surveillance in the drugs field

Date: 22 October 2024 in the morning
Location: LxAddictions conference site

The aim of this event is to discuss how we can build a stronger global Community of Practice (CoP) among those working technically in drug research, monitoring and surveillance with the aim of:

1)    Sharing experiences on the development and use of both established and new methods for drug surveillance and,

2)    Sharing information on new drug trends and related threats and challenges

 In particular, we want to canvass views on the opportunities and challenges create by technological innovation, and how we can better work together to monitor drug trends in the context of a more globally connected drug market and the increasing availability and use of synthetic substances. 

Participation by invitation only.

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