Lifestyle and psychosocial determinants factors for the risk consumption of cannabis


Lifestyles and psychosocial factors influence adolescent health in the short and long term. Lifestyle can be materialized in innumerable variables such as healthy eating, physical exercise, drug use, age at onset of sexual intercourse, quality and quantity of sleep, hobbys. However, other dimensions such as the perception of quality of life, psychic well-being, relationships with family, school and peer group, and social support are also related to healthy lifestyles. Hypothetically, and given the lack of studies, some of these variables may increase the risk of a young person becoming a cannabis consumer at risk.
The objective of this study is to verify which factors related to lifestyle and psychosocial factors are related to the consumption of cannabis risk in young people at risk in shelters in the Northern Region of Portugal.
The sample is composed of young people between 12 and 18 years of age, living in 19 shelters in the North.
A closed-ended questionnaire was used, with scales that can identify cannabis use, assess negative mood, perceived stress, social support, social connectivity, morning / night time, exercise and feeding healthy. Descriptive statistics and statistical inference techniques were applied. To evaluate the risk of cannabis use, CAST was applied.
It is hypothesized that there is an association between cannabis use with variables such as negative mood, perceived stress, social support, social, morning / late connectivity, physical exercise and eating. The conclusions drawn will contribute to the development of prevention programs and strategies appropriate to the characteristics of this target population.
The results will be available until the poster presentation date.


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