Risk factors for cannabis user profile: a systematic review


The European Report on Drugs (EMCDDA, 2017) states that cannabis is the most commonly used illicit substance among young adults between 15 and 35 years old (13,9 %). The health consequences of using cannabis can be fatal to the health of users (Iglesias, 2007). Studies of sociodemographic profiles help to determine the environmental, economic and social characteristics of a population with the aim of designing interventions oriented towards prevention. In this sense, the aim of this work is to carry out a systematic review based on empirical studies of populations between 12 and 65 years old on the sociodemographic risk factors that intervene in the profile of the cannabis user. 19 articles have been analyzed through a questionnaire where the inclusion and exclusion variables are specified from the PICS method. The results agree that the beginning of use is usually between 13 and 20 years, mainly in males, with low incomes, with family problems background of cannabis use and/or another disorders, and they are related to peer groups that also use cannabis.


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