Behavioural addictions

In programme
11 sessions 58 presentations View the programme


This track is co-produced by the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Addictions (ISSBA).

This track explores various aspects of behavioural addictions beyond substance use disorders. It covers the treatment of behavioural addictions generally and considers public health harms associated with them.

  • Understanding behavioural addictions beyond substance use disorder and co-occurring disorders.
  • Neuroscience and biology of behavioural addictions.
  • Treatment and other interventions for behavioural addictions and transdiagnostic features related to behavioural addictions.
  • Behavioural addictions in diverse groups: including minorities, sex, and gender-related considerations; digital technology use by children and adolescents.
  • Policies and regulations in the study of behavioural addictions.
  • Controversies in behavioural addictions.
  • New developments in video gaming and disordered gaming.
  • Focus on specific and new areas: buying-shopping disorder and problematic social media use. Sexual behaviour disorder, problematic pornography use, interactive gambling, sports/esports gambling


Wednesday, 23 October


Thursday, 24 October


Friday, 25 October
