1. Use pathways in prison. A French literature review
The impact of prison on drug use is an important topic in France. Many quantitative surveys show that consumption before incarceration is high. On the contrary, few studies bring visibility about uses inside prison and drug use pathways. The quantitative surveys that exist are old or regional. This intervention is based on a French literature review on the topic of drug use in prison, motivations for drug use and drug use pathways. This review is systematic for the last ten years and narrative before 2013. It includes qualitative data from several sociological research fieldworks realised by the presenter between 2015 and 2021.
This review shows several things: - Drug use continues in prison despite the criminal prohibition and the level of control, but is evolving. - These evolutions depend on the substance: tobacco and cannabis consumptions remain at levels close to those found among prison entrants. Alcohol use is disappearing and cocaine and heroin use are decreasing very significantly. On the contrary, use of psychotropic drugs is increasing. - A recent survey distinguishes several users’ profiles. In particular, it opposes a profile of young prisoners who smoked joints, tobacco and used cocaine before incarceration and who continue to use tobacco and cannabis in prison, with a profile of polyconsumers, older, who increase their consumption of psychotropic drugs in prison. Qualitative data highlight several pathways; some of which make it possible to stop use, while others reinforce consumption, initiate new dependencies and contribute to psychological and social insecurity.