Side events

Lisbon Addictions 2022 provides a unique networking opportunity for researchers, practitioners and policy experts across countries and disciplines. In the margins of the conference, various side events will take place. We will be updating this page as more information on these events becomes available.

IPA7 and EU4MD closing event

Date: 21 November 2022
Location: EMCDDA premises

The EU4Monitoring Drugs (EU4MD) and Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) 7 projects will close at the end of 2022. Two EMCDDA technical cooperation projects will join forces and organise a closing conference in the margins of Lisbon Addictions 2022.

It is an ‘upon invitation only’ hybrid event with limited spaces for external participants. For more information or to request attendance, please contact:

EUPC training event

Date: 21-22 November 2022
Location: EMCDDA premises

The European Prevention Curriculum (EUPC) is a short training curriculum in science-based prevention for decision-, opinion-, or policy-makers (DOPs) at local, regional or national level. It aims to boost the application and uptake of effective modern prevention approaches in Europe and facilitate well-informed choices about funding and implementation priorities at national, regional or local level. A two-day EUPC training event will be held in the margins of Lisbon Addictions 2022. 

The EUPC contents are based on the best available global evidence to date and adapted by experts for the European region. The material is designed in such a way that it can be universally applied to other prevention areas (e.g. cyberbullying, violence and other anti-social behaviours, gambling, excessive media use, etc.). 

For more information, contact: 

Final conference of the AlHaMBRA Project 

Date: 21-22 November 2022
Location: LxAddictions conference site

The final conference of the AlHaMBRA Project (Alcohol Harm Measuring and Building Capacity for Policy Response and Action) will take place from 21-22 November 2022.

Findings presented at the conference will focus on cooperation and knowledge sharing between EU Member States. The conference will cover a wide range of topics on reducing alcohol-related harm and will consider future challenges and the impact on public health policy in Europe.

Funded by the European Commission, the AlHaMBRA Project aims to disseminate linked findings from three projects (FAR SEAS, DEEP SEAS, AlHaMBRA Project), namely on:

  • Alcohol in the workplace
  • Production and consumption of illicit alcohol
  • E-health programmes
  • Online alcohol marketing
  • Impact of low-alcohol drinks
  • Warning messages on alcohol packaging.

This project is coordinated by the Portuguese General-Directorate for Intervention on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies (SICAD), with the participation of eight European partners, namely the: Italian Instituto Superiore di Sanitá (ISS), National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia (NUIZ), Technical University of Dresden (TUD), Fundació Clinic per a la Recerca Biomèdica, European Alcohol Policy Alliance (EUROCARE), Maastricht University, Fundació ESADE and European Centre for Monitoring Alcohol Marketing (EUCAM).

The registration is now closed! The conference is filled to maximum capacity.

We look forward to creating synergies between experts in this field.

For more information, contact:

Third European Conference on Healthcare in Prison

Date: 21-22 November
Location: LxAddictions conference site

Health Without Barriers — the European Federation for Prison Health — is organising its Third European Conference on Healthcare in Prison in Lisbon in the margins of Lisbon Addictions 2022.

The conference will provide a space for discussion and exchange among health professionals working in prisons in European and non-European countries. Participants will represent diverse professional and disciplinary fields, ranging from practice to research and monitoring and from law enforcement and prison administration to peer involvement. They will also include people with personal prison experience.

The following topics will be discussed: human rights, health determinants, drug addiction, harm reduction, cooperation with outside services and through care, preparation for release, peer involvement, mental health, safety management, migrants, women, and new approaches to health care in prison.

Target groups: prison medical services (doctors, psychologists and nursing staff), employees in prison, employees of external services (e.g. NGOs), employees in administration, policymakers, lawyers and other interested parties.

Xchange Review Board annual meeting

Date: 22 November 2022, afternoon
Location: EMCDDA premises

Launched in 2017, Xchange is an online registry of evidence-based prevention programmes showcasing interventions that European evaluation studies demonstrate to have promising outcomes relating to substance use. The Xchange Review Board meets once a year to update the evidence rating scores of existing, or new, Xchange entries. This year’s meeting will be held during Lisbon Addictions 2022. The Board is composed of the two members of the EMCDDA Scientific Committee, two board members of the European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR), an early career researcher of the EUSPR and two EMCDDA scientific staff members.

Symposium on gender and drugs

Date: 22 November 2022, 9.00 to 17.00 Lisbon time
Location: LxAddictions conference site

The drug phenomenon has often been addressed as gender neutral, although sex and gender play an important role in: pathways to drug use, behaviours, correlates and harms of drug use and drug addiction. In addition, an intersectional approach has rarely been applied and research has often omitted how gender interacts with other factors, such as gender identity and sexuality.

This Symposium on gender and drugs aims to understand how gender and drugs interplay, by:

  • increasing awareness on the need to incorporate a gender perspective in the drugs field as a way to better understand the drug phenomenon as whole;
  • discussing gender and drugs from a multidisciplinary perspective;
  • identifying ways to incorporate a gender perspective in the drugs field at international level.

The event is co-organised by the EMCDDA and the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe, with the support of SICAD and with the collaboration of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).

Registration (deadline 20 October 2022, no registration fee).

For more information, contact:

ISSDP meeting

Date: 22 November 2022
Location: EMCDDA premises

ISSDP will be holding a one-day, in-person meeting in Lisbon prior to Lisbon Addictions 2022. The purpose of the event is to:

  • provide an opportunity for ISSDP members to see each other again in person; and
  • present and discuss drug policy research that is not covered by the main Lisbon Addictions conference.