Call for abstracts
The call for abstracts is now closed.Key dates
- Launch of call for abstracts: 25 October 2021
- Deadline for submission: 6 February 2022 (extended deadline)
- Notification of acceptance: 15 June 2022
Key documents
- Complete call for abstracts (PDF)
- Abstract guidelines (PDF)
- Abstract template for oral presentations, short communications and poster presentations (DOC)
- Abstract template for structured sessions and workshops (DOC)
Submission of abstracts
Potential contributors are invited to submit abstracts for the following main areas/thematic tracks:
- Global perspectives on addictions and drug markets
- Prevention cultures
- Alcohol dependence and problems
- Addictions and mental health
- Hepatitis C, other infectious diseases and drug-related harm
- Behavioural addictions
- Current and future challenges in global drug policy
- Open track
Authors who submitted abstracts will be informed by e-mail if their contribution has been accepted for inclusion in the conference programme by end May/early June. After this date, applicants will have two weeks to register for the conference with the early-bird fee. Their contribution will be included in the conference programme only after the registration process is completed.
Online submission queries:
Video communications
Inter-GLAM is an EU-funded project and a co-producer of Lisbon Addictions 2022.
Within the frame of the collaboration with LxAddictions22, Inter-GLAM is organising a video contest for audiovisual pieces related to the topics of the conference. A selection of videos competing for the prizes will be shown at the conference in the Inter-GLAM Cinema.