Near infrared mechanism of social interaction cognitive function in patients with alcohol use disorder

Wednesday, 23 November, 2022 - 09:00 to 19:30


Background:It has been found that substance users are more likely to induce cravings and relapse in the process of multi-person social interaction. This study aims to use near-infrared imaging technology to study the effects of cooperation and competition mechanism on brain function of alcohol use disorder (AUD) in the process of two-person social interaction, and to find biomarkers and predictors of craving and relapse, so as to provide theoretical basis and intervention targets for further psychological or physical therapy.

Methods: In this study, the paradigm of two-person cooperative near infrared ultra-scanning was adopted. Two subjects sat side by side, and first of all, 3-min resting state hyperscan was performed. During this period, the subjects were required to rest quietly with their eyes closed without thinking. Then they played a cooperative competition game for 10 minutes. The game required two subjects to overcome obstacles through subtle cooperation. Based on this study, brain synchronization of subjects can be detected in real time through changes in cerebral blood flow signals, which can be used to explain whether the cooperation ability of alcohol users is abnormal.

Results: A total of 37 pairs of subjects were included, including 17 pairs of patients with AUD and 20 pairs of healthy subjects (HC). The results showed that the brain synchronization of AUD patients on S5_D4 channel (medial prefrontal cortex) was significantly increased during cooperative task. AUD and HC have significant interaction under cooperative and competitive conditions.

Conclusion: The results suggest that the stability of motor coordination may be worse in AUD patients. But more research is needed.



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