
  • Professor of Addiction Psychiatry and clinical lead for the alcohol care team,
  • University of Southampton
  • Southampton,
  • United Kingdom
In programme
  • November 23 10:50 to 12:20
  • November 24 16:50 to 18:20
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Julia Sinclair is Professor of Addiction Psychiatry and clinical lead for the alcohol care team at University Hospital Southampton. Her priority is to improve outcomes for patients with alcohol use disorders (AUD) and co-morbid physical and mental health conditions by research, teaching, policy, and clinical practice. She is the National Specialty Advisor for Alcohol Dependence to NHS England, and Trustee of the Society for the Study of Addictions. She chairs the Specialty Advisory Committee of the Addictions Faculty of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, committed to improving training and competences in addictions for all psychiatrists, to improve their management of co-morbid AUD.. Her primary research aim is to conduct clinically relevant research into the harms of alcohol use, specifically the impact on clinical outcomes in terms of prevention, engagement and response to treatment. She currently co-leads the NiHR funded National Evaluation of Alcohol Care Teams (ProACTIVE).