3. Prevention of overdose deaths in northern border of Mexico, Tijuana

Thursday, 24 November, 2022 - 15:00 to 16:30


The presence of heroin mixed with fentanyl on the northern border of Mexico is affecting theĀ  community of people who use drugs, their families, partners and health workers. This has caused an increase in fatal and non-fatal overdoses. Prevencasa A.C. has been registered for years, a community clinic that has been doing harm reduction work in Tijuana since 2004. People have dealt with overdoses for many years resorting to methods such as injected salt with water, burning the feet and beatings, but in recent years these methods have been ineffective, resulting in many deaths. Naloxone, the drug that has helped prevent overdose deaths in communities in many countries, is not available in Mexico; local pharmacies such as emergency units are unaware of or do not have this drug. Prevencasa has managed to obtain naloxone donated by international harm reduction organizations, which has been provided to the community through training workshops in different parts of the city. In this video we can see community leaders and health personnel sharing their experience on the importance of having it, administering it in time, and saving lives.

By: Alfonso Chavez (Prevencasa A.C.)



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