A Digital Future? Engaging online communities of people who use drugs to influence policy and practice
The COVID-19 pandemic has further spurred the process of digitalisation occurring across our societies. In this context, web surveys have reinforced themselves to be a valuable tool to engage with online communities of people who use drugs. Such surveys allow the rapid collection data from a large number of respondents on issues of relevance to policy and practice, including monitoring and identifying new trends. The aim of this workshop is to show how engagement with online communities of people who use drugs, through the use of web surveys, can influence policy and practice. It will do so by drawing on examples from the European Web Survey on Drugs (EWSD) and innovative national web surveys from the EMCDDA Reitox National Focal Points (NFPs).
Further, the workshop aims to engage conference attendees in mapping the potential future uses and novel issues to be covered in such web surveys. This will be done through an interactive component launched at LXAddictions. Reflecting on the importance of such surveys to empower people who use drugs to influence policy and practice, the potential future of web surveys will be discussed among the panel and the audience.